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Panel - Graduate Admissions System [Dev System] 2025/26

Department List

The following departments are using Panel:

  • Biological Anthropology Section
  • Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
  • Centre for Digital Humanities
  • Centre for the Future of Intelligence
  • Centre of Development Studies
  • Centre of Latin-American Studies
  • Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
  • Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
  • Department of Biochemistry
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Computer Science and Technology
  • Department of Earth Sciences
  • Department of Engineering
  • Department of Genetics
  • Department of Geography
  • Department of History and Philosophy of Science
  • Department of Land Economy
  • Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • Department of Medical Genetics
  • Department of Oncology
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Plant Sciences
  • Department of Politics and International Studies
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics
  • Department of Radiology
  • Department of Social Anthropology
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Zoology
  • Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Dept of Clinical Neurosciences
  • Faculty of Architecture and History of Art
  • Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  • Faculty of Classics
  • Faculty of Clinical Medicine
  • Faculty of Divinity
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of English
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages
  • Faculty of Music
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Hamilton Kerr Institute
  • Institute for Continuing Education
  • Institute for Sustainability Leadership
  • Institute of Astronomy
  • Institute of Criminology
  • Institute of Public Health
  • Judge Business School
  • School of the Biological Sciences
  • Scott Polar Research Institute
  • University Information Services
  • Wellcome Trust Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute


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